How we can help you rebalance

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese supportive technique re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the 1870’s that involves the placement of hands to bring stress reduction, relaxation and increase life force energy. The word means spiritually guided life force energy. It is a safe complementary therapy that can be used for anyone. It has been found to be effective when used in conjunction with medical treatment and other therapies to relieve side effects and promote recovery. Reiki is a holistic therapy that effects mind, body, emotions and spirit. 

How does someone become a Reiki practitioner?

Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, it is spiritual in nature but not religious.  The ability to apply Reiki is passed on to a practitioner in a reiki class through a series of attunements given by a Reiki Master.  This allows the practitioner to tap into an unlimited supply of life force energy.

How can Reiki help?

The main  thing that Reiki can do is move us into the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).  Without realising it, we are often permanently in the sympathetic nervous system mode (fight or flight).  It is harder for our own bodies to heal if we are not relaxed. Studies have shown it to have health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, lowering resting heart rate and increasing heart rate variability. Studies have also shown that Reiki is more effective than placebo at reducing pain, depression and anxiety in chronically ill patients.

Our Reiki sessions are charged at £60 per 40 minute session.

Get started today.