My Story…
As a music college flute student in my 20s I had developed IBS. This would sometimes hinder my ability to perform in concerts on the flute. However, I struggled on believing that my IBS symptoms were not a serious concern even though they did hamper my quality of life.
In my early 30s I had developed poor control of my balance, impaired vision and was diagnosed with Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. There were no drugs or treatments for this condition, so I was offered a yearly follow-up appointment to measure the progress of the disease. As a result, I knew that it was time to understand how I could take control of my own health. I had always had a keen interest and love of food but realised that food in its original natural form was becoming a thing of the past, being replaced by easily accessible instant food that was more convenient for our fast-paced lives, whilst sometimes being detrimental to our health.
My interest in nutrition and a determination to improve my health led me to enrol on a nutritional therapy course with The College of Naturopathic Medicine. This course was a fantastic way to learn how to understand and improve nutritional and lifestyle wellbeing to live a more healthy and fulfilling life. With this knowledge I am passionate about helping others live lives to the full.